Social Welfare

Contributing to securing retired life of farmers associated with the the agricultural sector of Sri Lanka by introducing social security mechanisms and extending financial assistance to farmers in the event of hospitalization through medical assistance schemes.

  • Farmers’ Pension and Social Security Benefit Scheme
  • Fishermen’s Pension and Social Security Benefit Scheme
  • Suwasetha Health Insurance Scheme
  • Accident Insurance Scheme
  • Life insurance schemes

Farmers’ Pension and Social Security Benefit Scheme

Introduction of Farmer Pension and Social Security Benefit Scheme The Farmers’ Pension and Social Security Schemes Act No. 12 of 1987 operates under the Farmers’ Pension and Social Security Schemes Orders of 2014.

Pension Plan is an insurance policy that is designed to help you build a retirement fund whilst also enjoying the option of enhancing your policy with protection covers. In the unforeseen event of your demise, this policy will provide your family the death benefit and also continue to maintain the policy until its maturity and provide many benefits to your dependents.



Eligibility for contribution to the scheme
• Being a citizen of Sri Lanka.
• Being between 18-59 years of age.
• Being a land owner, lessee, tenant farmer, cultivator under the owner’s right and a person confirmed as a farmer by an authorized officer under the Agricultural Development Act or the Land Ordinance Act or an agricultural labourer.
• Not being a beneficiary under pension or provident fund.

Fishermen’s Pension and Social Security Benefit Scheme

Most are self-employed, with income in both occupations usually seasonal and subject to many factors beyond their control. Both occupations involve hard physical work, and many continue working beyond the age of 60 years. The Farmers’ and Fishermen’s Pension and Social Security Benefit Schemes were established by successive acts of legislation in 1987 and 1990. The objectives were to provide a minimum level of social security and provision in old age for workers, who had no access to other formal schemes. Both Schemes are administered by the Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board (AAIB), with overall supervision provided by the Ministers in charge of Agriculture and the Department of Fisheries.

Suwasetha Health Insurance Scheme

It is an insurance scheme designed for agriculture with the objective of reducing the financial difficulties faced by the farmers engaged in agriculture and their family members if they have to be hospitalized due to an accident or illness.


Accident Insurance Scheme

An insurance plan designed to provide benefits in the event of accidental death or incapacity. A comprehensive cover provided for compensation against death and bodily injuries caused by violence, accident, or by other external and visible means, our Personal Accident Cover insures the policyholder in difficulties resulting from such unexpected incidents.

Life insurance schemes

A unique life insurance solution with flexible payment schemes that offer complete protection on maturity. Adapting to your rapidly evolving lifestyle, Life Insurance is designed to complement any income level or financial commitment, and is also expandable to accommodate a range of other multiple benefits and covers to ensure a comprehensive protection plan for you and your loved ones.



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