Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board

The Agricultural and Agricultural Insurance Board Act No. 27 of 1973, Act No. 27 of 1973, established the Agricultural Insurance and Social Security Board to fulfill the responsibility assigned to the Government to protect local agriculture and the agriculturist in the face of emergency situations and to build an economically and socially satisfied retired agricultural community. was established as the only state insurance agency for. It was re-established as the Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board, Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board by the Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Act No. 20 of 1999.

As a risk management method, by introducing agricultural insurance systems under the sectors of crop, livestock, and general insurance to the agricultural sector in Sri Lanka, contributing to agricultural risk management, assisting in reducing the economic collapse of the farmers in the event of a sudden disaster, and helping the financial institutions that provide agricultural loans. It also helps in developing financial stability.

Furthermore, by introducing social security schemes, it will contribute to secure the retirement life of the farmers involved in the agricultural sector in Sri Lanka and provide financial relief to the farmers in case of hospitalization through medical assistance schemes.
The Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board provides continuous service to the local agriculturist under the Agricultural Risk Management and Social Security.


To be the ideal Agricultural Insurance Institute in South Asia by being the foremost protector in local agriculture


  • Risk management in respect of agricultural crops

  • Risk management for other movable and immovable property of farmers

  • Risk management of livestock belonging to farmers

  • Securing the farmer and fisher communities through social security and insurance schemes

  • Obtaining local and international quality assurance certificates relevant to the institution

  • Promotion of developmental, operational activities and sales

  • District administration, management and coordination of external organizations

  • Planning and development of institutional human and physical resources

  • Management of procurements and supplies

  • Offering assistance in the implementation of Acts

  • Planning, monitoring and evaluation for the attaining of corporate objectives

  • Building a formal internal control mechanism and minimizing shortcomings in the administrative process

  • Ensuring sustainable financial strength through a profitable growth

  • Use of information technology and GIS methods for regularizing institutional processes

Our staff

Our head office is located in Gangodawila and you can apply for our services through our district offices. After applying, we provide continuous service for you through our agent network.

Head office

Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board
No. 117, Subhadrarama Road, Gangodawila, Nugegoda

District Offices

We have 30 branches located all over Sri Lanka. Our network of branches is our commitment to help you get the best,

Authorized Representatives

Toll free customer service hotline number 1920 for the purpose of improving and streamlining customer service and informing its customers.

Chairman's Message

W. M. M. B. Mr. Weerasekera - Chairman

The Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board, established under the Agriculture Act No. 27 of 1973 and operating under the Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Regulations No. 20 of 1999, is the only State Agricultural Insurance Agency to provide insurance cover and social security benefits to uplift the standard of living of the agriculturist.
Due to the current weather and climate changes and other factors, the farmers engaged in the agriculture industry have a problem of income stability and their economic strength is further decreasing due to the destruction of crops, so a stable work arrangement should be prepared to retain them in agriculture.
Paying more attention to it and identifying the aspirations of the farmers, the agricultural insurance board has already started the work of preparing a system for the quick and accurate assessment of crop damage through scientific methods and the release of compensation.
In addition, as a recognized institution in the country, the work done by all departments of the institution is in the final stage of providing insurance services more quickly through online methods.
In addition to the farmer pension scheme implemented by the board, a pension scheme with various benefits has also been implemented, focusing on the current economic conditions and matching the future cost of living with the ability to receive contributions according to one’s working strength. Retirement benefit scheme has become.
In order to face the current market competition and provide more attractive services to the farmers, the board is moving towards the goal of “Being the ideal agricultural insurance company in South Asia by protecting the excellence of local agriculture” which is the vision of the board by implementing insurance schemes and social security systems that suit the needs of farmers. I mention with great pleasure.

Director General's Message

Mr. Panduka Weerasinghe - Director General

With a heritage of more than four decades, the Agricultural Insurance Board has been built into a successful institution that can fulfill the needs of all parties involved in the agricultural sector at an optimal level through the knowledge gained from past experiences. Through the pool of experience we have, we are making the Agricultural Insurance Board a strong state enterprise and preparing to shoulder the great task of taking the risk of the industry.
As a public enterprise, our primary responsibility is to minimize all risks in the local agricultural economy. It is with great pleasure that all the employee divisions have come forward to contribute to the national task of developing local food production and engaging the community in the agricultural industry.
In order to make these tasks more meaningful, the company’s activities will be reorganized according to the most modern technology available in the world. Accordingly, in the last 05 years, the latest technology has been acquired inside the institution to identify agricultural risks and assess damages, and new insurance systems have been introduced and existing insurance systems have been updated. Also, it is our privilege to be able to get the support of government institutions, commercial and development banks and business institutions in taking the insurance system to the village level. Another unique achievement of the board is to further stabilize the network and create space to reach the local and foreign communities through the internet.