Suwasetha Health Insurance Scheme

An insurance scheme designed with the objective of reducing the financial difficulties faced by the agricultural workers and their family members in the event of hospitalization due to an accident/illness. It covers expenses incurred by the insured such as hospital charges, specialist medical treatment charges, surgery charges, transport charges (in case of emergencies eg heart attack).

An insurance scheme designed with the objective of reducing the financial difficulties faced by the agricultural workers and their family members in the event of hospitalization due to an accident/illness. It covers expenses incurred by the insured such as hospital charges, specialist medical treatment charges, surgery charges, transport charges (in case of emergencies eg heart attack).

Reserve amount per acre is Rs. If less than 100,000, all natural hazards including flood, drought and wild elephant risks are covered and the insured amount is Rs. 100,000 or more and all risks are covered.

Nature of InsuranceRisk CoverageInsurance Premium (In Sum Assured per Acre)
Sum assured per acre is less than Rs.100,000/-All natural hazards including flood, drought and wild elephants
100,000/- per acreAll risksIf the sum insured for sister is Rs.100,000/- then the insurance premium for Rs.100,000/- is 6.4% = 6,400/-
100,000/- more per acreAll risksIn addition to the 6.4% insurance premium up to Rs.100,000/- per acre, an additional insurance premium of 9% will be charged for the amount exceeding Rs.100,000/-.

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Where membership is available

  • By all districts of Agriculture and Agrarian Insurance Board
  • By Agricultural Service Centres
  • By authorized sales representatives





To obtain insurance coverage related to Suwasetha Health Insurance Scheme,

Meet the District Offices of Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board / Representatives of Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board / Agricultural Research and Production Assistant Officers in your area.